65 years sharing innovation, enthusiasm and growth with our clients

Cepillos la Ibérica, S.A., with headquarters at San Cibrao das Vines (Ourense), belongs to the select group of companies which leads the Spanish ranking in the manufacture of all kinds of wooden and plastic brushes using synthetic and natural fibres. Its customers include the major Spanish and international distributors.
65 years of experience
guarantee our solidity as a company and our audacity innovative, because Cepillos la Ibérica, S.A. concentrates the largest investment in technology and patents among the companies in the sector.
65 years of experience cement our agility in responding to demand because we have a manufacturing capacity more than 6 million units a year and in the 11,000 m2 of facilities our integrated production system allows us to meet orders that are adjust to specific needs of our clients.
65 years of experience caring and supporting to our customers, because from manufacturing to the point of sale, our products are accompanied by a after-sale service rigorous, and guaranteeing the quality as an objective value, because our Quality Management System is governed and audited in accordance with the UNE EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard.
LEOPARDO: more than one hundred million units manufactured
Our main customers
Our customers purchasing centers and superstores are as El Corte Inglés, Hipercor, Froiz Supermarkets, Unide, Vego, Ahorramas, Euromadi, Ifa or Perfume Manager and our products are present in more than 3,000 points of sale National and international.

More than sixty-five years producing quality
ISO 9001: 2015
The family of ISO 9000 Standards are “quality” and “continuous quality management” standards, established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which are made up of standards and guides related to management systems and specific tools such as methods audit (the process of verifying that the management systems comply with the standard).
Its implementation offers a large number of advantages for companies and clients, including:
- Improving customer satisfaction
- to improve the processes related quality
- Reduction of rejects and incidents in production or service delivery
- Increased productivity coherent
The main standard of the family is currently ISO 9001: 2015. To verify that the requirements of the standard are met, there are external certification bodies that issue their own certificates and allow the seal. Cepillos La Ibérica, S.A. It is certified by AENOR.

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Quality Policy 2024
At Cepillos La Ibérica, S.A., the main quality objective is the product manufacturing that strictly respond to the current legal norms, as well as the codes, norms and specifications applicable contractually, so that the manufactured products fulfill their mission without errors.
The aim is to achieve the full satisfaction of current customers and demonstrate to potential customers the ability to always obtain compliant products.
To achieve this objective, we promote the concept of quality as a strategic factor of the company according to the following guidelines:
- Failure prevention and correction.
- Detection of defective products and elimination of the causes that originate them.
- Commitment of the entire company to continuous improvement.
- Establishment of a system to ensure quality in all stages of production.